Sunday, December 13, 2009


Straight road (smooth)

T-jounction (think another way)

I made 2 moodboards about straight road (smooth) and t-jounction (think another way)

Taking video

after we finished the field guide, we went to take some videos about each different types of road on 11/12. and i did the go up, go down, straight road(smooth) and ending road

Taking photos (part 2)

we made sure that we would do road texture as the main topic for this project, then we went to kl to take photos which are more specific.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Texi on fire outside KFC?!

when we had dinner at KFC, suddedly somebody said: look outside, the texi is on fire!!!!

we all looked out.....................the first time i saw an accident near by, so scare if the texi would explode...........

Taking photos in KL (part 1)

Yesterday we went to KL to taking photos for project, from 11am to feet so hurt,but still got some intresting photos, the first part is about photos about different textures